Flamingo Handshake Upgrades - Create Account & Manage Submissions

Flamingo Handshake has some upgrades to announce. The team and community have been going through it and collected feedback - and today’ upgrade announcement will work towards resolving those:

Making an account - rather than simple submitting a form like before, now you can make your own flamingo handshake account. Here you can login to view your submitted Handshake TLDs and see the status.

Listing Status - sellers were not sure if the names they submitted in the past were reviewed, approved, or rejected. With this account system, you can see the status.

Email alerts from the team - last major update is when a new status or note is added to your TLD submission, you will get an email alert on the email you created the account. This way you’ll know right away.

Submit Notes on each listing - want to make an update or alert the team on a change or highlight. Go into the individual listing for each name and add a comment or note. Admins can also leave notes on each listing for you - to confirm and collaborate on the settlement of the name once it is sold.

We hope you enjoy these upgrades and head on over to flamingohandshake.com/submit to start the process of creating an account and submitting your listings.

Let’s keep growing together.